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Showing posts with the label My Happy Pill

Lucky in Love? Not really.

I got my new driver's license today. After one year and eight months of marriage, I finally have a valid ID bearing my husband's name.  Honestly, I could have just waited one more year to have my license revised and renewed at once (would have saved me time and money). But I think…

May the 4th Be With Us

Today, I woke up to Jan hugging me as he whispered, "May the 4th be with us." I gave out a smile. "What a silly way to greet Happy Anniversary, " I thought. But a warm feeling washed over me and suddenly, it didn’t feel silly anymore. I hugged back, kissed him on …

Our Honeymoon in South Korea

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think of going to South Korea for a honeymoon (it has always been Batanes). I mean, we did  plan  about it but that's only because we unexpectedly snagged round trip tickets for two for only Php 8,400+. But that plan to spend honeymoon in Korea i…


It has been a week since  our wedding books arrived and I cannot get over it. I've already wasted hours flipping the pages and ogling at the same thing for days, and it still was not enough. I can't help it. Our wedding is no doubt one of the best days of my life and that i…

Confessions of a Newly Married Woman

"How does it feel like?" "Nothing has really changed," I said flatly. "Wait until the honeymoon phase is over." I have been asked this question over and over again for weeks now and I have been repeating my answer with the same flat face. And it is not …

The Honeymoon Might Come a Little Late

Right after the wedding, Jan and I started working our arses off (pitiful, I know). We were not able to plan a honeymoon because the Japan trip happened. And as much as we would have loved to make Batanes our honeymoon destination, we are holding that off. You see, I won a round trip dom…

Our Semi-DIY, Simple But Lovely, Cheap But Not Tacky Wedding

When Jan and I planned our wedding, we agreed to keep it simple because it reflects who we are individually and as a couple. And also, truthfully, we're on a tight budget. But we all know that even the simplest weddings can burn a huge chunk of money—in a blink of an eye at that…

The Wedding Diaries: Same-day Edit Video

The succeeding posts in this blog would most probably be all about our wedding because, honestly, I have not gotten over it yet. Our wedding is nothing short of amazing. It is magical but it's real. It's simple but it's the best. It's cheap (by current standards) but i…

There's Progress!

Jan and I visited our future home yesterday and we're so happy about the progress. See? Knowing how real estate development works here, one could say that that's a lot of progress. #TeamNoLigo Haha. I'm really looking forward to the day we move in because finally *d…