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Showing posts with the label Interests

After What Seemed Like an Eternity of Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...

We finally got to see Jack Johnson live!  And he did not disappoint!  OMGAEOFIJASFJHGVOAHIJROARLOJSDFJAF!!! Allow me to share with you all a story of our greatest weekend in 2024 yet.  *deep breath* Here goes...  Jan and I didn't know about the Wanderland Music Festival until we saw o…


It all started when Jan went to Mr. Big's concert and all he wanted was to bring a small, minimalist wallet that could carry an ID, a card or two, and a little cash with him.  One month later, he now has three (3) minimalist wallets. All thanks to these YouTube videos that introduced…


I still remember the last time I drew something. It was Valentine's Day four years ago when, like any other Valentine's, Jan and I had nothing better to do. It was a year before the pandemic but staying home was already a much better choice that day. So Jan challenged me to draw s…

Animal Crossing Island Tour Part 2

Yes, folks! I still play (with really long breaks in between). And yes, after 1,3xx hours, I am NOT YET DONE. I strongly believe that no Resident Representative (a.k.a Player 1), not one, has ever finished this game. I lost count on how many times I've tore down some parts of my islan…

Something New

At this point, I think I already lost the ability to write. I find it hard to write anything even when there is so much to share the past three months. This is probably the longest time I have been gone—in the blogosphere at least. I would have started this comeback post with an apology f…

I've Gone to the Dark Side


That's Scary, Bruh

I take pride in my DIY skills .  I was born creative. But if we're going to be honest here, I only do it because I am  cheap practical. If I can do something with what's available, I will do it if it means saving more money for better things like books I don't get to read.

Animal Crossing Island Tour

Okay. This is not something that a lot of people can relate to. But in case you are wondering, this is how I got by those raging pregnancy hormones during the isolation. I've heard a few kids play this but from what I know, this game kept A LOT OF PEOPLE (mostly adults) from spiraling…


I have been reading someone lately. And it's not because he is famous nor do I find his life interesting. I know this blog can be described exactly the same way, but nope, this is not about me. He was also a competitor from the last blogging contest I joined. And even though I wanted …