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DBS Murder Mystery Party: Who's Killing It?

You are probably here because you wanted to hear about the tale of a murder mystery that unfolded on the night of December 2nd.  While the scent of frustration and betrayal still linger around some of the sorry victims, allow me to recount the story of this seemingly innocent lady, who ca…

I Have Been Scammed

For the first time in my entire life, I got scammed. I thought I was smart enough not to be fooled, but here I am. I was on Facebook, mindlessly viewing how my friends spent the last 24 hours. And in the middle of these stories, I came across a video ad. I didn't even bother to watch …

Happy Feet

I have always talked about my shoes. Thought maybe I'd also talk about my feet. Haha.  Ugh. πŸ™„  And here's the thing: I don't like my feet because they're ugly.  You could say they're a whole new level of hideous. Dry, cracked, calloused, wrinkly, and veiny.  (Which do…

7 Cute Things You May Not Need for Your Desk But Probably Want

Sitting behind the computer screen all day can be pretty exhausting. But believe me when I say that sprucing up your boring workspace is important for your mental health and your productivity too. I find it truly amazing how something so small and simple as the color of Post-it note can …

Writhing About Writing

A few days ago, I decided to cast my votes for the barangay elections. It shames me to admit this, but this is actually my first time to participate at the barangay level.  So the first ignorant thing I said when the ballot was given to me was, " Ay, isulat diay  (Oh, so we're wr…