I Googled Sh*t and Now We Have A...

By Sarah Aterrado - April 14, 2020

I bled yesterday.

It wasn't periodic nor regular. It only happened once. It wasn't heavy, not even enough to soak a pad. But it was enough to freak the hell out of us. Jan drove me to the emergency room immediately and while on our way, I was frantically all over the internet in search for immediate answers. Of course, it didn't help. If anything, it freaked me out even more.

I know I told myself countless of times to never turn to the internet for a medical diagnosis. We already know how Dr. Google can turn a simple tension headache into something more sinister like a brain cancer that causes us to panic. But I can't help it.

22 weeks. Finally saw the daylight after a month of being cooped up. Although we could only wish that we did not have to go out due to an emergency.

Anyway, after an internal examination, a transvaginal and transabdominal scan, it turns out that I have a cervical polyps. Google it if you want to know more about it. It is not life-threatening to me nor the baby but it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious. That would also mean that Jan's mighty one might not be able to go cave exploring to avoid bloodshed until further notice. If you know what I mean. It's sad, I know. Haha.

But on the brighter side, we were also able to know our little one's gender. I thought this will be delayed until the enhanced quarantine is lifted. But yeheees, we are having a BOY!

It seems like our little prince got his daddy's nose. :)
Well, Jan and I might finally have something to argue about this whole quarantine period. You know, choosing the perfect baby name.

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