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Showing posts with the label Fashion

I'm Ditching Jeans

After more than a month of wearing dresses, squarepants, and all things chic because I felt the need to dress my age (my style has always been juvenile and has not changed since high school), I conclude that denim jeans are the least comfortable clothes ever.  Okay, the "need to dr…

I Fits

"Miss, may bigger size kayo nito?" "Ilang taon po ang susuot, maam?" "10." I lied. The shirt was for me.


I got these sandals because I fell in love with it at first fit (it's reeeeally comfy). Then only to realize that being a sneaker worshipper, this is downright blasphemy and I honestly do not know what to do with it.

A Grand Christmas Ball to Remember

"Hey, I got a new badge on my blog." "Congratulations! You deserve that!" "Thanks! But I want to add something right there." There was a pause. "I want to win a Palanca ," I told Jan flat out loud. He gave me an eager look as he contin…

It's a Bootie Ball

I was eyeing on this particular shoe for several months even though I do not have a reason to wear it. I think  boots are completely out of fashion when you're living in a hot and humid country. But I got one just in case I might need it. Just so you know, I suffer from a different …

Dress Diaries

I'll be honest. Even though I'm no fashionista and my wardrobe is always out of season, I would be lying if I say I don't like dressing up. It makes me look human. But what I hate about dressing up is the misery of finding the dress that's actually wearable. And by weara…

I Have Been Weak

Do you know how it is to agonize over shoes? I know. Because I did. And it was silly. There is  this pair of shoes that I totally have a crush on. I already bought a pair of sneakers (the same brand) last March, a pair of sandals, loafers, and boots last July. Having another footwear t…

It Was Indeed the Fairest Night of All

I have never thought that a year after attending my very first Davao Bloggers Society Christmas Party , I will be one of those who will prepare and manage this year's Christmas party. You see, I have been appointed as the sexy-tary, I mean Secretary of the Davao Bloggers Society. Ha…

Black Dress, a Broken Lipstick, and a Night to Remember

As someone who doesn't wear make up, the most comforting words I'll ever hear from another woman are, "I don't know how to put a makeup on either." Yes! I am still a woman after all. Haha! The other day, I found new (still sealed) lipsticks in one of our drawers.…

A White Night to Remember

First of all, damn I have got to think of a killer opening line for my blog post... "First of all" just doesn't cut it. But yeah, first of all, I'd like to congratulate myself for totally nailing that 299-peso ($6) dress and made it look like Marilyn Monroe's iconic …

Best Buy

I don't really brag about my purchases, except for the books and for this one. But save those sneers, what I am about to brag has a little story to tell. You must understand, after I first set foot on Mt. Apo with my ever reliable Sandugo sandals, my feet got sunburn and blisters. S…

I am no fashionista.

Yet despite that lack of fashion sense, I definitely am no sloppy dresser either. I dress up like an eighteen year old with a devil-may-care attitude college student in tees, jeans, and Chuck Taylors. So, what's the big deal? I am almost thirty.